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Orthophonie (M.Sc.S.)

Bilingual SLP: Là tu parles!

Laurentian University's Master's degree in Speech-Language Pathology is second to none! Students are trained to work in both English and French in Ontario, Canada and abroad.

Laurentian University offers a Masters degree in Speech-Language Pathology on its Sudbury campus, in French. However, a command of the English language is also essential for internships. Graduates will be able to offer quality services in both of Canada's official languages.

The speech-language pathology programs (bachelors degree and masters degree) at Laurentian University provide an interdisciplinary education in human communication sciences and disorders, thus helping students make connections between the human, social, natural, physical and cognitive sciences.

The goal of this unique program is to train clinicians who are able to conduct a thorough analysis of language, speech and voice disorders, including resonance disorders, stuttering, dysphagia, neurological communication disorders, child development disorders and cognitive-linguistic issues in adolescents. After completing Laurentian University's Bachelor of health sciences in speech-language pathology (offered in French) and this two-year master’s degree, the future speech-language pathologist is prepared to intervene in a careful and well-considered manner.

Conseiller ou conseillère aux études

Michèle Minor-Corriveau

Téléphone : (705) 675-1151, ext. 4366

Courriel : mminorcorriveau@laurentian.ca

Bureau : Alphonse-Raymond Pavilion, E-205

Comment déposer une demande d'études supérieures Ce programme vous intéresse?
Vue aérienne de l'Université Laurentienne
Le Grand Sudbury est la plus vaste ville en Ontario par superficie terrestre, où les activités de plein air ne manquent pas grâce aux lacs et cours d’eau, terrains variés, forêts et réseaux complets de pistes et de sentiers.
Méthode de livraison : Sur campus
Langue du programme : Anglais

General Information

  • The curriculum follows the standards set by CASLPO (College of Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists of Ontario) and SAC (Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Canada). Thus, candidates will be able to meet the requirements for registration in Ontario and non-statutory certification for SAC.
  • Enrollment in Laurentian University's Master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology is limited to 10.
  • This program consists of six full-time sessions, including an internship of 12 weeks (360 hours).
  • Regulations governing this program are established by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, which meets the criteria for accreditation by the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies (OCGS) and the Council for Accreditation of Canadian University Programs in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (CACUP).
  • Laurentian University’s Orthophonie Programs (YouTube – in French)

Bilingual SLP : Là tu parles!

A command of the French language being necessary to practice the profession, the first language of instruction of this program is French. However, a command of the English language is also essential for internships. Graduates will be able to offer quality services in both of Canada’s official languages.

Placements (internships) 

Students will complete 5 placements during their master’s degree. They may have to complete one or more placements outside of the Sudbury District. These placements will introduce them to different clinical settings. Therefore, they must plan for transportation, accommodation and living expenses.


Students have access to the Speech-Language Pathology Laboratory, a research center, the equipment of the University’s Speech and Language Clinic and a workspace to prepare their internships. The laboratory is equipped with computers with specialized software.

Speech and Language Clinic 

Laurentian University’s Speech and Language Clinic offers quality rehabilitative services to people of all ages with communication disorders living in Northern Ontario, while also providing students with clinical activities that allow them to bridge the gap between the theory learned in their courses and practice. Offering speech and language services in both French and English, Laurentian University’s Speech and Language Clinic allows students to apply their skills in Canada’s two official languages.

Interesting Facts

  • Most Canadians take their communication skills for granted when in fact, millions of them have a speech, language or hearing disorder that somewhat impairs their ability to communicate.
  • Early detection and rehabilitation of speech and hearing impediments often help to circumvent communication issues at school, work and in everyday life.
  • Speech-language pathologists take communication to heart! Whether they’re working with an autistic child or a stroke survivor, speech-language pathologists do everything they can to help improve their patients’ health and quality of life.
  • Speech therapists work with people of all ages, in schools, health institutions or the private sector.
  • The mission of this program is to train clinicians who will have rigorous theoretical and practical training and who will be able to integrate research and client needs into clinical work.
  • The objective of this Master’s degree is to train speech-language pathologists who can work in both English and French in Ontario, Canada, and abroad. Graduates of this program will be able to perform in-depth analyzes of oral and written language disorders, speech and dysphagia disorders, in both official languages of the country!

Other information

Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC-OAC)
College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario (CASLPO-OAOO)
The Ontario Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (OSLA-AOAA)
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

This program is supported by the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS).

Visit the School of Nursing and Allied Health Professions for more information


This program is only offered in French.

Please consult the French section for admission requirements.

Note pour les étudiants actuels

Les options de grade ci-dessous seront offertes lors de la prochaine année universitaire et ne le sont pas cette année. Si vous cherchez les cours à suivre afin de compléter les options d'un programme d'une année universitaire antérieure, svp consultez avec un conseiller académique.

For information on this French-language program, please look under the "Options" tab on the French version of this page.

Please note

This program is delivered in French on the Sudbury campus. Also see the French side of this website.

Please note that it is very important to follow the courses in the sequence established by the program. Please contact the person responsible for the coordination of the Masters Degree in Speech-Language Pathology Program to obtain all the necessary information.

ORTH-5016FL - Stage I ORTH-5026FL - Stage intermédiaire I en orthophonie ORTH-5136FL - Méthodologie de la recherche ORTH-5146FL - Réadaptation de l'enfant déficient auditif ORTH-5156FL - Professionnalisme et relation d'aide en orthophonie ORTH-5166FL - Troubles structuraux de la parole ORTH-5167FL - Pratique orthophonique scolaire en littératie et numératie ORTH-5196FL - Séminaire ou travail dirigé ORTH-5919FL - Pratique professionnelle I ORTH-5929FL - Pratique professionnelle II ORTH-6000FL - Externat
ORTH-6016FL - Stage III ORTH-6026FL - Stage IV ORTH-6116FL - Étude avancée des troubles de la communication chez les adultes ORTH-6117FL - Études avancée des troubles du langage chez l'enfant ORTH-6186FL - Troubles du langage et de la parole d'origine neurologique ORTH-6187FL - Troubles de la déglutition ORTH-6505FL - Mémoire de recherche ORTH-6936FL - Séminaire clinique et de recherche en orthophonie - -